Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The beginnings of Baby Lemaster's Story

Hello Everyone,
We wanted to provide a way to give updates to everyone as we continue with our adoption journey.  So here's a little background information and an explanation of where we are at.  Those of you who know us, know that adoption was in our hearts before Dave and I were even married.  After struggling through infertility for a few years God brought adoption to our lives sooner than we had planned and His plan Was so much better! We were given the amazing blessing of our daughter Ella in 2012 through adoption.  God used her life to build our passion for adoption even more and we knew after she was born we would grow our family through adoption again. God used her adoption story and  our consultant (we went through and are currently using Christian Adoption Consultants) to also open our eyes to the need for infant adoption in the United States.  So once again we made a plan: we would start the adoption process when Ella turned one, well God had a different and amazing plan! The week after Ella turned one we welcomed our biological son Emmett into our family.  He is also a huge blessing to us.

What a difference a year had made in our family! The last two years we have loved being a family of four but have also felt there is something or should I say someone missing from our family.  So we prayed and prayed about the timing of adopting again. This spring we really felt God's nudging get stronger to start the adoption process to grow our family again.  So here we are: we are home study ready, our profile is ready to be shown to birth moms and we are excited to meet the next member of our family. We have had a set back and currently waiting to present to birth moms til Dave secures employment as his position at work was eliminated last week. We still feel God saying "press on in this battle for life for your baby." That brings us to the fundraising stage!! Adoption is costly but so so worth it. I love this quote;

“My friends, adoption is redemption. It’s costly, exhausting, expensive, and outrageous. Buying back lives costs so much. When God set out to redeem us, it killed Him."
 Derek Loux

We would love your prayer support with us through this journey.  Here are some specific prayer requests: Dave's job search, pray for the birthmom of our baby (for her health, emotions, and that she knows wherever she is we love her already) and for our family as we prepare for all the changes and unknown!

Stay tuned for a fundraiser coming today!

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